23rd JANUARY 2020 at 7pm

A talk by Zara Fleming
Zara Fleming is art historian, exhibition curator, tour guide and lecturer with specialist knowledge of Buddhist art, focusing on the art and culture of Tibet, Mongolia and the Himalayas. Whilst she is not a textile specialist per se, she has never the less been involved with Tibetan and Bhutanese culture for many years. Initially based at the V & A and then affiliated with Bonn University, working on a project cataloguing the Tibetan, Himalayan and Mongolian collections in UK museums.
Zara will explain how textiles are woven into everyday life and are used as clothing, currency and gifts, but also how they signify status and are a vital component of Bhutanese festivals, dances and Buddhist rituals.
Doors open at 6pm when drinks and snacks are served for a cash donation
>>> The Society has decided to move across Mayfair from Piccadilly to the University Women's Club in South Audley Square just behind the Dorchester Hotel.
This talk will be the first at the new location.
The University Women's Club
2 Audley Square